Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Snooze Button

Lately I have been having a difficult time waking up. My alarm clock does a very nice job of getting me out of a coma, but since I know I have some cushion time. I normally wake up about 7-7:30sih range... I don't have to jump into the shower to get ready for work until 9ish. My goal is to go to the gym to get a brief workout. But I am a dreamer so the only workout in the morning is the reach for the alarm clock to hit the snooze button.

I cannot imagine life without the snooze button... I think it should be up there on the list for the world's greatest inventions. Ok, maybe not that extreme, in fact it should be on the opposite end of the spectrum as one of the greatest inventions leading to procastination! I admit, I did go to the gym in the morning once or twice this week, but the evening times have been more more my appealing to me.

Those multiple 8-mins of snoozing in a comfortable, warm, cozy bed doesn't seem to help... once I get up, what is the first thing I normally do? Go to the couch to check my email and the news. One thing leads to the next and before you know it, I don't have enough time to have a decent workout. Am I a procastinator at home? You betcha! (not that I am proud of it)

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