Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Good Grief!

My secretary was sick today... so according to the laws of nature. To be exact, it is: Article III Section B Subsection 3: "When thee who answers the telephones is out, thee invention of Graham Bell MUST be constantly ringing off the hook and relentless business must ensue."

So the laws of nature held true, it was a busy day in the office and the phone became a permanent fixture on my ear. Oh I sure do hope my Office Assistant gets well soon. Not only so she can handle the phones, but to keep the fun times rolling.

The past few days I have become fixated on a new toy I got for Christmas... it didn't occur to me the power of its entertainment until a couple days ago. I am not talking about that voice-controlled robot dog that will squeeze fresh orange juice at the same time it dusts the vents on the ceiling nor am I talking about the Mr. T Chia-pet. I am talking about the candle warmer. I mean, Whoa! I have all these deformed candles without wicks. I pop it on the candle warmer and boom, the wax is melted and the apartment smells good. But, that is not all, when you have more than one candle that needs to be warmed, you have instant-layered candles! I think I have the most unique candle ever "warming" on the hot plate... I think it is a mix of Ocean Breeze together with Vanilla cookies. What can be more relaxing than that? Basking in the sun with the ocean breeze as the smell of fresh baked cookies is in the air! Life does not get better than that...until you wake up to the sound of the phone ringing off the hook!

Well, my new jacket came today.... I love it!

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