Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ghost of Birthday Past

My "milestone" 30th birthday has come and gone. Typically I really don't like birthdays... they tend to be highly over-rated and end up just like any other day but with higher "expectations". I don't typically like birthdays because of the "getting older than dirt" factor, but the social stigmas attached to it. In other words, the importance the greeting card companies and the families/ friends place it. In a way, it is no different than Grandma asking "When are you going to get married?" or "When are you going to get that minivan to hurl around the 54345 children you have?" In the birthday case, people always ask, "What did you do the day the 20's was no longer?" Why don't you just ask "What did you do the day your hair turned gray, your back gave out, your memory turned to mush and the nursing homes are banging down your door with their walkers and battle-ram motorized scooter trying to recruit you?"
But what is age anyways? Why it is so important one becomes 21 before you can legally drink (not that it stops many people underage). Does a Maturity Fairy sprinkle some pixie dust on the person overnight and all the sudden they are responsible enough to drink? If that is the case, then the Maturity Fairy must be over 21 herself.... the Fairy must be drunk enough to allow people like me to sip a beer. Personally, I would prefer if they left a beer under my pillow the day I turned 21, but that was not the case... I think they left the open beer all over the middle of the room next to the stool I must have passed out on. Details are still a little be sketchy.
Anyways, yesterday for my birthday I celebrated at the office, at Happy Hour, then that continued at my friends apartment. It was a good time. I was actually surprised I enjoyed myself more than expected.
My boss, her secretary and my secretary bought lunch, gifts and dessert galore (Cake, cookies, brownies and breakfast muffins). It was a good feast. The bathroom scales can prove it! We definitely had leftovers after that, hey, I even had one of those muffins for breakfast this morning. The bathroom scales was missing in action the second I was looking for it. Suspicious! I got a few more candles to add to my collection. Is it possible to have enough candles? I don't think so. I also got a Punch Balloon. Similar to the one shown here... it was a bright orange one (if it had the smurfs on it, then I would have been estatic and might have burst like a balloon!)
Oooo, that is very bad news... I cannot wait till Monday when my coordinator comes to work, because there will be a war! Hey, what can I say? You gotta have fun. I am beginning to suspect that Maturity Fairy didn't visit me 9 years ago.
Anyways, after work, I took a nap (I woke up at 3am for no reason at all... couldn't sleep)... then went to Happy Hour with six others. It was a fun time. Again, there was a lot of food... not a dinner but different appetizers. My bathroom scales left me a letter saying that it has resigned and is looking for employment at the Ms America pageant now.
After happy hour, spent the rest of the evening, and several hours of the wee morning talking some more with them at their apartments downstairs, drinking rum and coke. They can be hilarious at times. So I went to bed at 2:30am only to wake up at 7:00am to go around to a few of my work-sites to open up and check my staff. So, I am a little bit tired right now. Probably should get some sleep now... maybe I will be lucky and the Maturity Fairy will leave a beer under my pillow this time!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Bowling scores tonight... 160, 194, 169.... look out below, my average is crashing hard! Well, the highlight of tonight, in the second game, it was down to the last frame. I was the last bowler and we were down by 20. I got up and hit the home run... three strikes in a row to win the game by 10 pins. My team won 2 and lost 2... we really should have won the third game, but as a team, we were just pitiful that game. The first two we helped each other out and did some damage. Going into tonight, we were tied for 3rd with only two loses. Now we shall see where we land.
DOH! There was a huge rolling of thunder just now. It shook my apartment like a stampede of elephants. Guess that is a good sign for me to get off the computer.

Eventful day

Monday was quite a busy day. Why is it that when one thing happens, everything happens? Not that it was a bad day at all. Here is a brief rundown:
  • The past weekend was a big weekend for public property damage. Especially not-so-considerate individuals joy-ride around on nice, soft mushy grounds in wiley circles, Mother Nature toppling trees onto fences and people scruffing up surfaces. Well, it kept me busy at work.

  • A fellow blogger contacted me about wanting to meet up sometime soon. Told her I would be delighted. I admit I am nervous (in a good way) but excited. I am looking forward to it.

  • Went to my neighbor's to play some games... played jenga and trivia pursuit (the original... you know the one with Soviet Union for the all answers and some current events from the early 1980's.) Anyways, my neighbor down below and I ended up winning it all after a long battle, we should have been awarded the Purple Heart (1: which has which figure on it? see answers below) and a prize of getaway to 2: the state with the lowest highest elevation of 65 feet... wasn't always pretty, but it was a fun. We are probably going to try to get together regularly to play different games... we used to get together each week to play spades, but now 3) we evolved from this sub-human primate, which is drastically different from 4) the slug, which has its reproductive organs located where?

      1) George Washington
      2) Delaware
      3) Chimpanzee
      4) The head

      Okay, those were some of the easier questions... I just remembered those compared with some of the more difficult ones.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

New World Record!

This morning I took down my Christmas Decorations! This is a new world record for me... normally I will not "get around to it" until June or July. Not only that, did a little tidying up around my apartment. So because of those things, my Sunday has been quite productive... and it is only 10am! My goal today is to go to the gym and have a good leg work-out (at least good in terms of using the cheap equipment that my apartment complex has), go out someplace to watch the football games (and get myself out to potentially meet someone), and possible call the girl.

On Friday I went to see King Kong. I have been wanting to see it for a long time. It was a good movie, but had so much potential to be a monster hit (sorry, again with the puns!) There are two things that stuck out; Jack Black and overdoing the action sequences just because they have the technology. Don't get me wrong, I really like Jack Black, but they needed a more "serious" person to play that role... There were a couple times I was watching it and Jack made his typical funny faces at the camera. This reminded me of a class clown trying to get attention when he has already commanded that attention. He has the potential to pull off a blockbuster hit but he did not rise to his full potential in this movie he was about 75% there. But that was not what really stood out to me... I might have been able to love the movie with Jack in it, if it weren't for the real flaw in the movie; the mentality, "more is better... more fighting, chasing and action makes the movies in Hollywood."
This flaw, in my opinion, made the non-essential scenes drag on. It reminded me of any product you see in the store that has some many bells and whistles on it that it just does not help the product, in fact it may hurt the product because it takes away from what it is supposed to be. The showing of the natives on Skull Island is important to the story, but to spend that much time, it can be overkill. Same is true for the Kong versus the dinosaurs... because the technology is there, they made it super long and they thought a longer and more intense battle would help portray the great lengths Kong would go for his "beautiful" lady. I thought it was an amazing sequence and I love to see all the action, but it too modern day Hollywood and became a bit too much. You see that in a lot of the movies now-a-days which causes the flops. I think that is what happened with the 3 newest Star wars. There were all these action sequences that were just there because they have the technology to do it and they think that most action equals more audience.
Okay, back to King Kong... I thought that movie had so much potential in it because it did capture the emotions between the ape and woman... they did an amazing job of capturing the body language and the facial features of a computer generated beast. I know that people felt that connection, their love and people even felt sorry for Kong when he was in the modern jungle of New York. That is the story of King Kong, not the overdone "Running of the Brontosaurus" or the fight dangling in the tree roots or the tribute to "Starship Troopers" bug squashing massacre.
That is my review.