Thursday, February 02, 2006

Laws of Nature

Laws of Nature #652: If thy wear new shoes, thy shall step on a wad of stray gum.

It is funny... on Monday I met with an administrator who called me to a meeting about people throwing away their gum outside which causes people step in it which leads to tracking the gum inside, naturally sticking to the hardwood floors. I should have knocked on wood when I had a chance! When I was walking around my office, I felt an abnormal lump on the bottom of my spankin' brand new, fresh out-of-the-box first day worn shoes. Of Course it had to be some blue gum stuck like a fly on flypaper! Does anyone have a CSI DNA testing kit? I want to track down that gum spitter. Gosh, I hate it when things get jinxed! Oh well, that's life!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Time to go to Vegas!

Today was a good day. Woke up and worked out for the third straight day. First two focused on cardiovascular, today had a short back and very brief bicep workout. At work, had a productive and happening day at the office. Although I was disgusted by the fact some idiot made doughnuts all over public fields with their vehicle. What were they thinking (oh I am sorry, they can't... the wizard forgot to give them a brain!)
After work, I bought myself two new pairs of shoes... long overdue. One new pair of sneakers and one pair of brown casual shoes. I needed the new sneakers because I have been feeling the impact on my feet as I have worn them out.
After my shoe shopping spree, I went to play games tonight with my neighbor friends. I was really looking forward to that... they are an interesting and well-traveled group. I guess two of them have to be if they are flight attendents! First we played Scrabble and then we played Spades. I tell ya, I am on a hot streak right now. Somehow, I won the game of Scrabble facing four intellegent people... then while playing spades my teammate and I came from behind after shaking off the rust and won by only a few points. I am going to check out plane schedule because I am going to Vegas... ok, maybe I will just watch the Vegas tv show.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Casey at the Bowling Alley

It was the story of the Mighty Casey at Bat in Mudville tonight,
The tale of the two teams, the tale of true plight.
The story of past versus present,
A chronicle not all pleasant.
Game one and game two,
We won that I knew.
The fight for game three,
Became as intense as thee.
My team of the past,
Pulled ahead too fast.
It was the bottom of the tenth frame,
Only six pins ahead in the game.
I rolled with all my might,
Then rewarded with a big strike.
The foes caught sight of my strike then sneered,
Then bowled a matching strike then cheered.
The mighty Gooberman grabbed his great blue ball,
With dreaming and hoping of a ten-pin fall.
The pins exploded,
But hopes were eroded.
Alone stood pin number nine,
That put us behind.
The foe bowled a strike,
And I took my hike.
A mere two pins,
Kept us from four wins.

We finished with three wins and one loss. My scores for the night, 184, 193, 227… 604 series. Average going into tonight: 193. Average after tonight: 194

My Quote of the Day

Today was a good productive day. I have been writing some literature to give out to people to help educate them about some directives and policies. There was a lot of thought provoking discussion between my secretary an I about some of the points I put on the literature. I showed it to my boss for suggestions and she very much liked the direction I was going with it and wanted me to give it to her so she can take it to her supervisor. That felt good.
Later on a co-worker came by to ask for a ream of paper from out stock and my secretary told her yes before I could say anything. I have absolutely no problem with this, but I like to give her a hard time... just because I can, so I told her:
"Thanks, now I feel as important as a statue is to a pigeon."
I thought that was appropriate and catchy. That is sometimes the nature of my job, no matter how good one may be at it... you are bound to get crapped on every now and then.