Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day Heart's True Meaning

I read an article, Female Bum Behind Valentine Symbol? It says that the Valentine's Day Heart was modeled after a woman's butt. I don't know if I should be insulted or in ecstasy.
"The Greek goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, was beautiful all over, but was unique in that her buttocks were especially beautiful," he explained. "Her shapely rounded hemispheres were so appreciated by the Greeks that they built a special temple Aphrodite Kallipygos, which literally meant, 'Goddess with the Beautiful Buttocks.' This was probably the only religious building in the world that was dedicated to buttock worship."

He admitted that it was possible that the heart symbol represented both male and female glutes (the group that includes the three large muscles of each buttock that control thigh movement), but he said, "I think the Valentine's heart more closely fits the rounded female anatomy rather than the angular, compact and slimmer male butt."

I thought that was interesting. I think that the next "American Pie" movie should hint at that instead of an Apple Pie. I will never look at a Valentine heart the same again... after we are all being mooned in front of the innocent kids. Worse than that, the kids themselves are mooning everyone!

I must admit, I am a bad judge of shape sometimes... I am would not be too sure which ones are a male heart or a female heart. I will be more skeptical from now on whenever I receive one.

Ok, time for bowling.

1 comment:

Cleo Twyford said...

But surely there's room for a cellulite-inflicted butt? It may not look very heart-like, but it's the jelly-on-a-plate wibble-wobble way to show your affection