Tuesday, January 10, 2006

*No clever title here* but comments welcome.

As I read other blogs posted today... I ponder the direction I want to take with my relatively new addiction. Today there has been a lot of "controversy" about Lurking and de-lurking... whatever that revolution may be. As far as I am concerned, the only Lurk or Lurge (or however it is said) I want to be concerned with is the one from the Adam's Family. You know that big ol' quiet guy who looks up the the superior linguist skills of the apes in a zoo.
Yes, I admit I very much welcome comments from the peanut gallery and I will share my peanut shells with others. Yes, I like attention as much as the next person. Yes, it would be nice to be able to make a friend or two or three or four or fifty by means of blogging (especially since my social life is DOA. Yes, I would love to be able to be able to keep a pair of gloves for longer than a month without losing one. Yes, I would like to own a pair of sunglasses longer than it takes for 99% of NewYears Revolutionist to jump off the bandwagon. But the point is, it is what it is. Sometimes I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't. *Gawd, what is it lately with my nuts?* I want to write about my thoughts and feelings... the mood I am in mainly dictates the kind of blog I will write. I hope it will be entertaining enough to put a smile on someone else's face or even mine down the road if I re-read it. I would hope that I can put a positive spin to the content to help me feel more optimistic about my life. I would want it to be reflective of who I am and what I like and what is going on with me. I like to make a difference in someone else's lives (no matter how so insignificant that difference may be), something I don't feel I have been doing as much (and as often)lately. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside like a old moldy piece of fruit... ok, bad example. I tend to feel better about myself and more comfortable about myself when I feel like I have helped someone else or put a smile on another's face, as corny as it may sound. Something as simple as saying hi to a stranger walking down the street.... but that is as far as I go, the wizard has not given me courage to go beyond that yellow brick road. Blogs have been an avenue for me to convey my thoughts when I have not been able to do in person, behind the mask of gooberman. I put my blog on "Blogtimore, Hon" so I can get someone to read it, that is what it is designed to do, get your blog exposed to a larger population. That is my two cents.

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