It was a good day. After a long, productive day at work, I went to my neighbor's to play cards... one didn't show so we just hung out and talked about those taboo topics you would get the fuzzy eye-ball look if you talk to your parents about... you know, sex, religion, sex, bloody horror movies, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, shaving dogs... you know stuff normal stuff like that. Anyways, my neighbor down below has a friend who went to Kings Dominion with a group of us... she was a very attractive, intelligent (meaning a reading level above the 3rd grade/ actually she is studying for her CPA exam), funny Russian girl who I got along with like peas and carrots (okay, I was having a Forrest Gump flashback, SUE ME!) Anyways, this girl and I shared a lot of strong chemistry even though I was doing my best to her that each of the roller coasters we rode happens to be defective. For example, it is a little known fact that there are a lot of bats inside the Valcano... so there have been some unfortunate times where people on the rides would collide with some poor bats as they take off, so she should be warned. I thought I did a good job of convincing her, too, I even kept a very straight face! Okay, I can be evil at times, SUE ME! Moving right along here... my neighbor gave me her number after it appears she is not interested in him. I don't know why... I mean he is a very decent, intelligent and humorous guy. Well, I have her number now... the ball is in my court. So I guess I need to gather the
rest of my balls to give her a call and ask her out. So it is a good day.
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