Help! I created a header for my blog, but I am not sure how to put in the template. Can anyone help this poor little soul? Also, what do you think... look half-way decent?
The savior has been found... now I must worship:
d.challener roe for his technical genius. All hail,
Roe, for solving my temporary woe!
Hey, I was going to say the same thing as plumkrazzee! It does look good. Wish I could be of more help. Michele sent me tonight!
Wish I could help you but I am deeply technically challenged when it comes to many many Blog things...THAT would definitely be one of them! (lol)
I'm here from Michele tonight, I'm happy to say...I know someone will help you..They've tried to help me...But I still don't get it!
looks great! not certain how to get in in this particular template. save the image to a server (photobucket or something). go into your blog template and see if you can find where the current banner is...should start with something like (tried to add the tag thing but comment wouldn't let me) < that thing...then img src...then the code and a closer / then another > (see if comments adds it that way) then a paste the photobucket code over that. however, if you are not familiar with html i would recommend creating a practice blog to learn on so you dont mess up your blog. i learn by trial and error so this probably made no i really haven't had much sleep. sorry.
I don't know how to set it up as your header, I'm just learning that stuff too. It looks nice though. Best of luck!
The wind blew me from Michele's!
I'm no blog template expert but I'd be happy to try to help.
Let me poke around and I'll email you if I come up with anything.
P.S. Michele sent me
OK. It looks litle you're using the Rounders 2 template. Here's a quick way to replace your title with the JPG you've created. Note however, that this will keep a rounded red border around your image.
Note: in all that follows replace ( with < and ) with >
1. Edit template.
2. Find the section that starts with (!-- Blog Header --) It should be about 2/3 of the way down.
3. Go down a couple more lines and replace ($BlogTitle$) with (img src="The URL of your JPG")
4. Save and publish
Oh geez you got Michelled. I'm sorry, dude.
nice header. unfortunately, michele sent an unhelpful commenter your way.(which is kinda my fault anyway) It took me ages to figure out how to even post pictures on blogs.
good luck anyway!
To everyone: Thanks for the input and comments. Glad to see Michele pimping... I mean... send people this way.
d.challener roe: You proved to be technical genius... Thank you thank you thank you!
Looks great. Nice design and nice to see you got help fixing it up there on the top of your page.
Here via Michelle's.
I hope someone's already helped you 'cause I got nothin'. But I like it!
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