Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ghost of Birthday Past

My "milestone" 30th birthday has come and gone. Typically I really don't like birthdays... they tend to be highly over-rated and end up just like any other day but with higher "expectations". I don't typically like birthdays because of the "getting older than dirt" factor, but the social stigmas attached to it. In other words, the importance the greeting card companies and the families/ friends place it. In a way, it is no different than Grandma asking "When are you going to get married?" or "When are you going to get that minivan to hurl around the 54345 children you have?" In the birthday case, people always ask, "What did you do the day the 20's was no longer?" Why don't you just ask "What did you do the day your hair turned gray, your back gave out, your memory turned to mush and the nursing homes are banging down your door with their walkers and battle-ram motorized scooter trying to recruit you?"
But what is age anyways? Why it is so important one becomes 21 before you can legally drink (not that it stops many people underage). Does a Maturity Fairy sprinkle some pixie dust on the person overnight and all the sudden they are responsible enough to drink? If that is the case, then the Maturity Fairy must be over 21 herself.... the Fairy must be drunk enough to allow people like me to sip a beer. Personally, I would prefer if they left a beer under my pillow the day I turned 21, but that was not the case... I think they left the open beer all over the middle of the room next to the stool I must have passed out on. Details are still a little be sketchy.
Anyways, yesterday for my birthday I celebrated at the office, at Happy Hour, then that continued at my friends apartment. It was a good time. I was actually surprised I enjoyed myself more than expected.
My boss, her secretary and my secretary bought lunch, gifts and dessert galore (Cake, cookies, brownies and breakfast muffins). It was a good feast. The bathroom scales can prove it! We definitely had leftovers after that, hey, I even had one of those muffins for breakfast this morning. The bathroom scales was missing in action the second I was looking for it. Suspicious! I got a few more candles to add to my collection. Is it possible to have enough candles? I don't think so. I also got a Punch Balloon. Similar to the one shown here... it was a bright orange one (if it had the smurfs on it, then I would have been estatic and might have burst like a balloon!)
Oooo, that is very bad news... I cannot wait till Monday when my coordinator comes to work, because there will be a war! Hey, what can I say? You gotta have fun. I am beginning to suspect that Maturity Fairy didn't visit me 9 years ago.
Anyways, after work, I took a nap (I woke up at 3am for no reason at all... couldn't sleep)... then went to Happy Hour with six others. It was a fun time. Again, there was a lot of food... not a dinner but different appetizers. My bathroom scales left me a letter saying that it has resigned and is looking for employment at the Ms America pageant now.
After happy hour, spent the rest of the evening, and several hours of the wee morning talking some more with them at their apartments downstairs, drinking rum and coke. They can be hilarious at times. So I went to bed at 2:30am only to wake up at 7:00am to go around to a few of my work-sites to open up and check my staff. So, I am a little bit tired right now. Probably should get some sleep now... maybe I will be lucky and the Maturity Fairy will leave a beer under my pillow this time!


jennetic said...

Happy Birthday! And don't worry, the 30s are alright. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, indeed! I was almost suicidal when I turned 30. Got over it and managed to keep on going with a pretty fun life.

Enjoy your 30s!

Gooberman said...

Thanks Jenn, Lapop, and K for the Birthday Thoughts! I appreciate them!